GoProfiles: Employee engagement analytics platform

Discover insights to connect your team

Your single source of truth for employee engagement and people data, GoProfiles delivers insights into company growth and team achievements.
GoProfiles: Employee engagement analytics platform
Explore company trends with GoProfiles

Explore company trends

Uncover insights like current headcount and growth, employee tenure and anniversaries, manager to IC ratio, location distribution, and more.
Role-based analytics dashboard

Role-based analytics dashboards

Manage access to sensitive data by choosing which company analytics employees can view and which are restricted to your admin-only dashboard.
Peer recognition and employee engagement insights

Make peer recognition fun

Encourage your team to recognize peer accomplishments by spotlighting the top givers and receivers of peer recognition in Bravo leaderboards.
GoProfiles: Team achievement insights

See achievement insights

View peer recognition analytics by department, recognition type, and timeframe to quantify company and team achievements.
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Connect employees with AI profiles and rewards

Connect employees with AI profiles and rewards