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5 Types of Employee Recognition (And How to Encourage Recognition)

5 Types of Employee Recognition (And How to Encourage Recognition)

In HR and People Operations, there’s a secret weapon that can transform your workplace: employee recognition. 

Simple acknowledgment can boost morale, productivity, and job satisfaction. This increases engagement, helping you avoid the cost of disengaged employees

The right types of employee recognition can move the needle more than you think. These don’t have to be monetary – in fact, non-financial recognition can improve engagement by 55%

Higher employee engagement can be credited to more than warm feelings; this pillar of talent retention elicits profound results. Join us as we dive into types of employee recognition and discover how it can reshape your company culture.

5 types of employee recognition

Effective employee recognition comes in various forms, and each type of recognition has its own unique charm. Here’s a brief look at what they are before we go into more detail below.

🏆 Formal recognition: Awards, certificates, and public acknowledgments – a traditional yet impactful way to honor achievements.

👏 Informal recognition: The day-to-day “thank you” and appreciative gestures that fuel motivation and bolster team spirit.

🎁 Tangible rewards: Company perks, gift cards, PTO, and bonuses that recognize achievement in concrete ways.

📣 Skill-based recognition: Acknowledgement of individual skills and expertise, showcasing employees’ unique contributions.

🤝 Peer-to-peer recognition: Shout-outs between team members that foster strong relationships and trust.

We want to weave these recognition threads into our workplaces while paying attention to the diverse ways team members respond. After all, recognition isn’t one-size-fits-all.

1. Formal recognition: celebrating milestones

Formal recognition holds immense value in motivating your team. Celebrate achievements with time-tested methods like “Employee of the Month” awards, cake for work anniversaries, and timely promotions. You can make these celebrations meaningful and inclusive, whether in-person, hybrid, or remote.

Tips for meaningful recognition:

  • Personalize the experience: Tailor the types of employee recognition to the individual, like a heartfelt speech for your HR extrovert or a symbolic gift for a quieter coworker. 
  • Automate recognition: Tools like GoProfiles can help! GoProfiles syncs with Slack to automatically post employee milestones like work anniversaries in your dedicated channel. Then, people can easily comment and give a “congrats” to their coworkers.
GoProfiles for employee recognition

2. Informal recognition: daily appreciation

Amid the hustle and bustle of work, it’s the small victories that fuel our journey. Informal recognition is the heartbeat of a positive team culture.

Verbal praise, thank-you notes, meeting shout-outs, and more create an environment where effort is valued. This type of employee recognition strengthens connections, sparks motivation, and nurtures a sense of belonging. 

Tips for a culture of daily appreciation: 

  • Schedule informal recognition into meetings: Whether you’re in a smaller team meeting or a large all-hands, schedule time at the beginning or end to celebrate the little (or big!) wins and shout out team members who have gone above and beyond. 
  • Build gratitude into company vocab: Remember your grade-school etiquette – “please” and “thank you” go a long way. Even when someone’s just doing their job, it’s nice to acknowledge that effort and express gratitude for good work.

3. Tangible rewards: incentives and perks

Rewards systems can go a long way to motivate employees. From enticing gift cards to monetary rewards like bonus pay and PTO, these speak volumes about appreciation. The key lies in tailoring rewards to individual preferences, ensuring they resonate personally. 

These tangible tokens of recognition create a powerful motivation loop when they’re aligned with an employee’s desires. They energize teams, foster loyalty, and spur ambition. Incentive programs aren’t just for show; they can increase employee performance by as much as 44%.

Tips for crowd-pleasing perks:

  • Solicit feedback: Send out a yearly employee survey to learn about employee preferences when it comes to gift cards, snacks, and treats. 
  • Ensure equal opportunity: Keep in mind that performance benchmarks look different for different people and teams. Consult with managers and team leaders to align incentives with individuals’ goals, so everyone has a shot at earning rewards.
employee recognition statistic

4. Skill-based recognition: acknowledging expertise

This type of recognition isn’t just about acknowledging what your employees already know. Giving skill-based praise is about celebrating a person’s hard work, consistent effort, and growth. By recognizing expertise as well as improvement, you can boost confidence and fuel a culture of continuous development. This builds a workforce that’s agile and hungry for knowledge.

Tips for celebrating skills:

  • Host knowledge-sharing sessions: Allow employees to teach their expertise. These acts of recognition not only highlight their skills but also inspire others to learn and grow. 
  • Spotlight exciting work: Here at GoProfiles, we have a biweekly meeting called Demos and Drinks. At the end of this all-hands meeting, employees can demo something they’ve been working on. This highlights their new skills and lets coworkers give positive feedback live.

5. Peer-to-peer recognition: fostering camaraderie

Peer-to-peer recognition is a powerful relationship-builder. When colleagues acknowledge each other’s contributions, it deepens trust. Top-down recognition creates a ripple-effect, encouraging team members to celebrate each other’s wins too. 

Fostering these genuine connections creates more than a culture of recognition; it builds a workplace where collaboration thrives, and every voice is heard.

Tips for coworker camaraderie:

  • Create a designated space for praise: Make it easy for employees to recognize each other. Maybe that’s a shout-outs Slack channel, or a bulletin board with post-its and pens for people to write with. You could even make a virtual employee recognition board (*link*).
  • Use employee recognition tools: GoProfiles automates formal recognition and peer recognition through a feature called Bravos. These fun badges come with pre-designed headlines and customizable notes – so peer-to-peer recognition is easy yet personal. They surface in a designated Slack channel and accumulate on employee profiles, making the recognition public and permanent.
Types of employee recognition: peer-to-peer

How to encourage recognition in your organization

Leadership buy-in:

When senior management sets an example by recognizing employees, it sends a powerful message. Executive involvement drives a culture of appreciation from the top down.


Open communication at work is vital. Managers who express gratitude through diverse types of rewards and acknowledgment foster a climate where recognition flows freely.

Training and education:

Incorporate recognition training into employee development programs. Educate employees and managers on the art of effective recognition, emphasizing its value in building a motivated, engaged workforce.

GoProfiles: Elevating employee recognition

Once you start implementing one type of recognition for employees, it can quickly snowball into other types, helping you build an employee recognition program that makes people feel truly appreciated.

GoProfiles is the perfect tool to streamline your efforts. Through its Slack integration, it ensures real-time recognition in public channels. It’s the missing piece of the puzzle in your journey to create a culture of appreciation and success. Say goodbye to recognition woes; try GoProfiles today to foster a more engaged and motivated workforce.

GoProfiles Demo

Types of employee recognition FAQ

How does the effectiveness of different types of recognition vary across different organizational cultures or industries?

While formal recognition like awards and certificates may be highly valued in some traditional corporate environments, informal recognition, such as verbal praise and peer-to-peer acknowledgments, might hold more significance in collaborative or creative settings. Factors such as the organizational hierarchy, the level of autonomy employees have, and the nature of their work can all influence which type of recognition resonates most effectively. Understanding these nuances can help tailor recognition programs to better meet the needs and preferences of employees.

What are potential challenges that organizations may face when implementing employee recognition programs, and how can these be addressed?

Some common challenges that can arise include resistance to change, lack of resources or support from leadership, and difficulty in maintaining momentum over time. To address these challenges, organizations can take proactive steps such as conducting thorough needs assessments to understand employee preferences, garnering buy-in from key stakeholders across different levels of the organization, and providing training resources to managers and employees on how to effectively give and receive recognition.

How can organizations ensure employee recognition programs remain relevant in the face of changing workforce demographics, evolving workplace dynamics, and shifting employee expectations?

As workplaces evolve due to technological advancements, remote work trends, and generational shifts, organizations must adapt their employee recognition programs to remain effective. This entails catering to diverse preferences and communication styles within a multigenerational workforce, offering a range of recognition options from traditional awards ceremonies to virtual shout-outs. Leveraging technology can facilitate recognition in remote or hybrid work settings, ensuring all employees feel valued. Staying abreast of emerging trends like gamification and peer-to-peer recognition platforms can also help organizations continuously improve their recognition efforts.

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